all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 1AA 1 0 53.400095 -2.273054
M23 1AB 25 0 53.398838 -2.272429
M23 1AD 27 0 53.3991 -2.271994
M23 1AE 28 0 53.398115 -2.274079
M23 1AF 15 0 53.398439 -2.274276
M23 1AG 26 0 53.399867 -2.278557
M23 1AH 13 0 53.399014 -2.27419
M23 1AJ 23 0 53.399338 -2.273921
M23 1AL 14 0 53.398786 -2.275587
M23 1AN 26 0 53.400063 -2.275264
M23 1AP 18 0 53.398694 -2.276639
M23 1AQ 30 6 53.399024 -2.277063
M23 1AR 19 0 53.400361 -2.27492
M23 1AT 8 0 53.398699 -2.274624
M23 1AW 19 0 53.399714 -2.274811
M23 1BA 38 0 53.399715 -2.28573
M23 1BB 48 0 53.399745 -2.284662
M23 1BD 38 0 53.399281 -2.283155
M23 1BE 30 0 53.398975 -2.283243
M23 1BF 8 0 53.399961 -2.280633